My Mother’s Day Rosary

Happy Mother’s Day to Me! I found this rosary in our church gift shop yesterday. It’s an October birthstone rosary made with beautiful PINK crystals! I knew it was mine! (My birthday is in October.) I asked Father A. to bless this Rosary so now I will use it. Today, when I say my Rosary, I will offer it up for four things:
1) Our Lady’s intentions
2) All Mothers.
3) All Women
4) an end to abortion

Our Lady is our Mother, too. She only wants the best for her children. I offer my Rosary for her intentions.

As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, she is a mother, so I pray for all women, even those who have had abortions because they, too, are mothers.

Any woman might become pregnant. I pray that she might choose life.

I pray that women remember there is a life inside their body when they become pregnant. I pray that “the beast” is defeated and its lies exposed. There is no interest in women, only the money they can bring the corporation. Women’s health can be protected in ways other than with abortion. I pray that everyone, women and men alike, respect the gift of life. If the time isn’t right for a child, I pray that the child is given the gift of life. I pray that this child is adopted by a couple, defined by traditional marrige, adopts that child. I pray that, no matter what, the silent cries of pain and sorrow when these children die, is heard loudly by all.

These are my intentions today. Will you join me in prayer?