Remembering Moms on Mother’s Day – The Best Gift EVER!!!!!

When I was a kid and didn’t have any money for gifts, I used to give freely when it came to spiritual bouquets. Sister Mary Claudia let me play at recess, even though I was talking, I made her a spiritual bouquet. I needed a birthday present for my aunt or for my cousin, I made a spiritual bouquet. My best friend’s mother gave me cookies as a treat, you guessed it, I made them a spiritual bouquet.

In case you’re not familiar with a spiritual bouquet, I’ll refresh your memory. A spiritual bouquet is a gift of prayers. I prayed a lot when I was little. I think the prayers got me out of trouble when I was small. My teachers appreciated them. I prayed with all my heart and soul.

A spiritual bouquet is easy to make. Simply decide on which prayers you will pray for the person who will receive your spiritual bouquet. Write them down in a card or a note. Then, make sure you pray those prayers and offer them for the person who is receiving your gift. These are wonderful gifts for children to give to anyone! It teaches them the value of prayer for others. Children learn how to pray and to pace themselves in prayer. They might be very enthusiastic in their prayers. and a little bit of guidance might be required to help them fulfill their responsibility in prayer. Instead of 1,000 rosaries, they might offer 1 rosary. Instead of 1 million Hail Marys, they might pray 3 Hail Marys.

Even as adults, we have to be prudent in our prayer choices. I’d love to receive a spiritual bouquet like the one I posted in the picture. Wow! What an amazing effect those prayers would have! With Mother’s Day coming up Saturday, forget the politics, forget the cost. The only thing you need to do is to pray. Most Moms would love this. You can give your Mom or Surrogate Mom something material, too. Think about including a Spiritual Bouquet from you.

Now, to all the Moms out there, actually, to all women out there, I give you this spiritual bouquet.
1 hour of Eucharistic Adoration
1 Rosary (the Joyful Mysteries)
1 Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
I promise I will pray for you, for us,so that, as women, as mothers, we are able to live up to our vocations. If I don’t see you before Mother’s Day:

May all women be blessed.
May all women be merciful.
May all women be loved.
May all women be protected.
May all women be fruitful in their vocations.
Amen. Allelujiah!