Help Me, Holy Spirit, to Use the Right Words…

Most of us mean well, but, often, we mess it up when we try to comfort those who are suffering greatly, those who have lost a loved one, those whose pain we cannot know because we haven’t walked in their shoes.

Holy Spirit, please fill us with Your love, and remind us that, sometimes, the best thing we can say is nothing. Remind us that holding a hand, touching a shoulder, giving a hug, say more than mere words could.

Holy Spirit, fill me with the Gift of Knowledge so that my foot remains on the floor and does not get stuck in my mouth. I know it’s true, but to tell a person who grieves the loss of their loved one that “They are in a better place now,” brings little comfort and does not relieve their pain. Help me to remember that to the one who grieves, these words might seem callous and unloving. Holy Spirit, help me to think of others before I try to make them better.

Holy Spirit, in the quiet time in which I pray, teach me. Open my eyes so that I might know when to speak or be quiet. Holy Spirit, teach me. Help me, and grant me forgiveness for those whom I sought to comfort but only brough pain. Holy Spirit, Help! Guide me. Teach me. Love me.


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