Life can Get Messy, but Right Now, it’s Good!

Of course, I’ve had supper and a glass of wine with supper, so life feels very good right now. The truth of the matter is that, no matter what we say or do, life will become complicated again and again or over and over. No matter what we do, life will get messy.

That mess might come because someone said something to someone else at work. OR…we have defiant teens. OR…we have unpleasant neighbors. OR…OR…OR….Life is just that way. Each day we face our challenges.

In Matthew 6:24 Jesus reminds us:
So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”

Can you imagine how Jesus felt when He was trying to teach His beloved Apostles about love and mercy, then to hear them arguing about which one of them was greater? Can you image how Jesus felt when HIs Apostles asked if they should bring fire and brimstone down from heaven on people who were preaching in His name but weren’t His Apostles? Can you imagine how Jesus felt when He challenged His followers to leave all they had and follow Him and they left because they didn’t want to leave all they had?

Life got messy even for Jesus. He was challenged everyday of His life. Why shoulld we expect any less? If the Son of God was not spared such messes in His life, why should we be spared? Jesus was the Holy One of God. He was the Son of God. He was the Word Made Flesh, and He dwelt among us. I am awed by His Love! I am awed by His Mercy!

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. “ John 3:16

Messy or not, Jesus lived among us. He gave His Life that we might live. In that there is hope. In hope there is joy. In joy there is God.
So, messy or not, life is good. It will get complicated, and often stay that way, but, Jesus shows us the way. He laughed. He cried. He lived. Why should we do any less than our Brother, the Son of God?