The Annunciation

The Word became Flesh through the “Yes” of Mary. Mary made a commitment to become pregnant by the Holy Spirit, trusting that God knew what He was doing. She had no idea of what lay ahead of her, she only knew that God was blessing her with the gift of His Child.

She trusted that God would handle everything. She knew there would be good times and bad times. She knew she’d have to figure some things out on her own, but she trusted that God would lead her along the way. She put God first in her life. She gave Him all that she was, had been and would be. She allowed God to lead her. Most of all, she trusted. Mary’s faith was not defined by the law, but she chose to follow the law for the love of God. Her faith was strong because of her trust.

Why did Mary trust God so much. She put God first in her life, no matter what. She had a strong prayer life which gave her a deep connection and relationship with God. Mary lived her faith. Rather than try to control the events in her life, Mary let God work the miracles in her life. She knew God was God. She knew he was the Creator of the universe. She trusted that no matter what, He would take care of everything.

Mary did not play it safe. She could have told the angel, “I’d like to think about this, please.” Instead, she trusted. She realized this was God’s Will even though, He was giving her the choice. She could have said no. Once she realized that God would take over, she accepted His request to become the Mother of His Son. She didn’t know how, but she knew it would be.

Of course, we know little of her life as she and Joseph raised Jesus. We know little of her life after Joseph died. After the telling of the Annunciation in Sacred Scripture, we meet Mary as an adult, a widow. Mary is already at the wedding, helping out, when her glorious Son and His new friends arrive. She doesn’t waste time in seeking Jesus’ help for the couple. In great compassion for the bride and groom, Mary goes to her Son and says, “They have no more wine.” Jesus knew what was going to happen. He knew that He could not say no to His Mother. He knew that through her intercession, He work His first public miracle in Cana. He must have smiled when He called her Woman, reminding her that He felt it was not His time. Mary must have smiled knowing what would come next. She told the waiters, “Do whatever He tells you.” Jesus must have smiled and shook His head. He was helpless at her request. He changed water into wine. There weren’t many who knew it then. The chief steward scolded the happy couple saying that usually, the best wine was saved for last, but Mary knew. Jesus knew, and His Apostles were astonished. The servants were the first witnesses to His miracle were amazed!.

The Annunciation was the gift of the Father to Mary. He didn’t force her to say yes. He didn’t threaten her. He gave her a choice. She accepted. She loved God above all else. She trusted in His Word.

A human being, Mary became our Mother, too. Think about this as you pay the Rosary. Mary is the Mother of God and our Mother. If we seek to honor her and imitate her, one day, Jesus, our brother will see us and say, “Welcome. You look so much like my Mother!”