Mary’s Memories:: Meditations on the Glorious Mysteries

risen Christ 2a

Mary’s Memories
The Glorious Mysteries

The Resurrection

My Son was here!  He has Risen from the dead as He Promised!  He is glorious!  He spoke to me asking me not to tell anyone.  The women would bring the good news to His Apostles.  It was necessary.  Women would be very important when spreading His Gospel. They were chosen to be the first to see Him.  His angels had rolled back the stone on His tomb, and the Roman soldiers ran away.  The women are back.  Peter doesn’t believe what they are saying.
He and John have left the upper room running to the tomb where my Son had been laying.  Mary has also run back to the tomb.  She will see my Son.  She will not recognize Him at first, but He will reveal Himself to her.  She will spread the good news, too!
My Son Has Risen!  My Son Has Risen!

The Ascension

Jesus has shown Himself to many of the believers.  There is no doubt any more.  Jesus rose from the dead!  He has been finishing the work He had to complete with His Apostles.  They are in awe every time they see Him.  Even Thomas finally believed.  Now, we walk with Him.  Jesus holds my hand as we walk.  He told us that He is returning to heaven, but that He will send a Helper, the Paraclete, for His Young church.  The Holy Spirit came upon me when Jesus was conceived in my womb.  We stop now.  Jesus embraces me and whispers to me, “Mother, I AM always with you.  I love you.”   I begin to cry.  I will miss His physical body with me, but He will always be with us.  Jesus begins to rise from earth into a cloud.  It is where His Father is.  It is where my Son belongs.  He sits at the right hand of the Father.  My Son, Jesus, is the Son of God.

The Descent of the Holy Spirit Upon the Apostles

The day has come.  Peter and the other Apostles are still fearful of leaving the upper room, but I can feel Him, the Paraclete is near.  Suddenly, the room begins to shake and the sound like a loud wind pours into our upper room, our home, our temple for the last 40 days.  Suddenly, tongues of fire appear on the heads of everyone in the room!  The Holy Spirit is filling us with His gifts.  The fear is gone!  Peter and the other men and women rush out of the room and begin to tell the story of my Jesus!  “He is the Messiah,” they pronounce to the outside world.  “He is the Promised One of God!  Jesus came to over come sin and death!  Jesus is alive!”
Everyone understood what they were saying, even if they didn’t speak our language.  There were those who laughed and said that the Apostles had too much wine already.  They are so full of the Spirit of God!  There are those who are already coming to believe.  Peter will begin to baptize the new followers of Jesus!
He is Risen!  He is Risen!

The Assumption of Mary

My body has begun to rise. The women had told the Apostles that I had died, but I didn’t die.  I was asleep.  I was in a deep sleep praising God and thanking Him.  Now, my body is being lifted up by angels!  Angels are carrying me to my Son.  I see Him in the distance with His arms outstretched to welcome me to heaven!  The sounds cannot be described!  This is music that comes from the heart of God!  The colors!  We didn’t see these colors on earth!  I am still traveling to the arms of my Son!!  The people!  I see so many people there.  My parents are there!  I see Abraham and David!  I see the thief who hung on the cross next to Jesus!  Joseph, my beloved Joseph, waits near my Son!   The Glory of God is complete in heaven.  It’s what waits for all of us!  My Son embraces me, and He takes me to His Father who blesses me.  The Holy Spirit, my spouse, blesses me again.  My Son blesses me.  Heaven is our home, and I am home!

The Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth

Jesus and Joseph lead me to the Father.  Father, God, holds a crown of glory in His Hands.  The angels bow down to me.  The saints in heaven bow.  The Father crowns me.  He says that I am the Queen of Heaven and of Earth.  I gave birth to His Son.  I suffered with His Son.  There will be no other like me.  I am humbled beyond words.  I cannot speak.  I weep tears of joy.  My Jesus smiles.  His smile brings joy to so many who never knew Him.  Joseph, my husband, bows down before me and gives me a bouquet of heavenly roses.  Liquid gold flows in them.  They change colors as I watch, and they shine with heaven’s glory.
The Father also gives me the peoples of the earth as my children.
Love is beyond all else now.  I must take care of my children, but first, Jesus and I walk along the banks of the river that flows through heaven.  We will always be together.  Here there is no more suffering, no more sorrow.  God is here.
Praise be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
It is time to pray for my children and greet those who are coming home.