10 Practices that Will Bring You Closer to God in Prayer

adoration 2a

1. Always remember, prayer is direct communication with God.  Be prepared to open your heart and your soul to Him.

2.  Begin your prayers by praising and thanking God.

3. End your prayers by praising and thanking God.

4.  Turn off the distractions: phone, computer, iPad, iPod, tablet, electronic readers.  Move them far away from you.  Lock them in your car, if need be.  Give God 100% of your attention during your prayer time.

5.  Light a candle.  Keep your Rosary in your hand.  Set a tone so that you may enter into your quiet place to pray.

6.  Close your eyes.  Visualize Jesus sitting near you, looking at your intently, with His merciful eyes of love.

7. If words are difficult for you at your prayer time, sit in silence loving God.

8.  Set a time and a place to pray.  Make a date with God like you would a friend.  He is your best friend.  Keep that date, and treat Him with love, reverence and respect.

9.  Even if you don’t think you have the time, set aside an hour for prayer, once a week, in front of the Blessed Sacrament.  Stay as long as you can.  He’s there waiting for you.

10. Even when you don’t feel like praying, pray.  You need it most during these times of stress and emptiness.

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